Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”
James 4:15
Who do you think you are? You try to make your own plans? You say that you're going to go to this new city and start your own business? Or you say you're going to travel to a new country? Or that you're going to go to this college? But you never know what could happen tomorrow. You're small and you can't control what happens to you. Instead of focusing on yourself and your ways you should look to God for direction and be looking for His will.
I know it was in the Lord's will for me to come to Costa Rica. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't. I can make my own plans but only God knows what each day will hold. He has brought me this far, but it is up to Him where I go next.
I have a hard time grasping what I have completed so far. I feel like I could be so much more. So I look back and realize what I have accomplished. I gave speeches and led programs, and I helped organize events. I graduated in the top of my class. I had a few really close friends. I had some people in my life that were amazing mentors. From there I went to college. I balanced three jobs and 40+ credit hours of class for a year. I traveled to Haiti twice and had a hand in some amazing volunteer work. In May I graduated with an associate degree and a 4.0 after only one year.
And now I have moved to Costa Rica. I am so blessed. There is no other description. I am privileged to be part of God's plan here. Every week I am given the opportunity to pour into people's lives. I get to study Spanish everyday. I learn more about Christ and what He did for all of humanity. On the weekends I travel to Los Guido, one of the poorest neighborhoods, and get to give to the youth there. On Sundays in the afternoon our ESL group goes to church to teach class and after we go to Spanish church. I have amazing friends here, and awesome roomates.
Again I am incredibly blessed. This semester has already been worth so much.
Thank you to everyone that donated and came out to different events to support this trip. It is truly life changing. I'm still raising support for next semester. You can donate at:
God bless.
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