Many of you may know and some may not so here it is... drum roll please... I am headed back to Costa Rica, and this time it is for two years! This past February, I visited Costa Rica to recruit GAP students for Lancaster Bible College. While I was there I heard about their need for a new Female Student Life Coordinator. I never anticipated this position being available at a time when I would be in a position to take it. While I was in Costa Rica with LBC I was able to speak with the directors of the program who offered me the position. After I returned home I had a lot of praying to do. I took about two weeks to pray and seek good counsel. After considering my options and seeking Godly wisdom I called the director in Costa Rica and officially accepted the position.
In this position my primary responsibility will be to build relationships with and disciple the GAP students in the program. We hope to have 20-25 college age students who have graduated from high school, and are taking a year away to focus on developing their relationship with God and doing ministry. These students will be studying the Bible, learning Spanish, and working with multiple ministries throughout Costa Rica. I will also be doing ministry not only with the GAP program, but also with local Costa Ricans. I am looking forward to going back and working with the youth group in Los guido which I served with three years ago when I was there as a student. The youth group has continued to grow and I will be able to reconnect with many students who are still there. I will also be able to help with the ESL classes and church service hosted by this growing ministry.
I am excited to see all that God will do in Costa Rica this coming year. To make this possible, I am asking you to consider partnering with me. This is a program I really believe in and I am honored that God has given me a way to give back to a place that helped me grow in my own faith. The first way you can do this is by praying for me and our program. Secondly you can give monetarily if God leads you to do so. I need to raise $3,000 for this year and that again next year. I know God will provide. If you would like to be part of what God is doing in Costa Rica through the GAP year program you can give by going to this link:
I will do updates periodically throughout the year through this blog and by email. If you would like to be added to my email list please let me know. If you would like any more information or have any questions please feel free to reach out. God bless!
Love has no borders,
Rachel Martha
Psalm 89:1
I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfullness known through all generations
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