Ministry has been really awesome! Every week I'm excited to go hang out with our kids and they seem excited to see us. We have really been able to build relationships with them and love on them. They're such a great group and since camp our relationships with them have improved a ton. We are always joking with each other and picking on each other. At group we always have a snack. A couple weeks ago we were able to make... PANCAKES! It was awesome and then last week two of our girls had birthdays so we got them a cake! Many of our kids have accepted Christ if not all of them and there has been a visible difference in them. In Los Guido Salvador, the guy in charge of our ministry, has started a church. So far we are meeting every other week. At this point they cannot afford to rent out the church space every week. We've met twice so far. The first time a couple families attended with their kids from group. The second time mostly just our youth were there. I'm excited ju...
Jesus follower. “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” -C.S. Lewis Heb 13:14