Group Photo at Laodicea Hey Hey Hey! It has been a while since I have written an update like this. Life has changed a lot over the past several months. I have sat down to write an update several times, but I have not been fully sure of what I wanted to write. The last time I wrote an update was about a year ago when the decision had been made to leave Costa Rica early at the beginning of the pandemic. It seems unreal that it has been a year. Though there are many difficulties I could list from my own experiences this year, there are also many blessings. So this update is coming at you in the form of a list of blessings: 1. After returning home from Costa Rica I found a job that I was able to work from April to August. I know that many people lost jobs through that time and I was grateful I was able to at least work part-time. 2. Over the summer I was able to travel and visit friends I had not been able to see in a very long time. 3. In August I started my job as a resident ...
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 Hello Family and Friends, I imagine that anyone reading this is also in the midst of a crazy season, but I wanted to update you on what life looks like right now. As of Monday we made the decision to go home. We were hoping to wait it out, but on Monday the news came that Costa Rica was declaring a state of emergency and closing their borders to all incoming travelers. This has effected us in two ways: 1. We were no longer able to do our border run to Nicaragua or Panama since we would not be able to re-enter the country. 2. There is no way to know if airlines will continue to fly flights out of Costa Rica if no flights are coming in. So with that information the decision was made to send both students and staff home rather than risk being stuck in Costa Rica. Though Costa Rica is...