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Showing posts from 2020

Saying Goodbye Too Soon

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 Hello Family and Friends, I imagine that anyone reading this is also in the midst of a crazy season, but I wanted to update you on what life looks like right now. As of Monday we made the decision to go home. We were hoping to wait it out, but on Monday the news came that Costa Rica was declaring a state of emergency and closing their borders to all incoming travelers. This has effected us in two ways: 1. We were no longer able to do our border run to Nicaragua or Panama since we would not be able to re-enter the country. 2. There is no way to know if airlines will continue to fly flights out of Costa Rica if no flights are coming in. So with that information the decision was made to send both students and staff home rather than risk being stuck in Costa Rica. Though Costa Rica is...

Costa Rica Life Update

Hello! It has been a while since I have written an update! So here is a brief overview of the past few months of life here in Costa Rica! October - I taught a 12 hour class on apologetics with a focus on the purpose and application of the practice for believers. We went to Nicaragua to renew our passports and we were able to stay in Santa Rosa with a couple of SCORE missionary families. While we were there we went to La Fortuna which is the town next to the Arenal Volcano and spent one day at the hot springs. I also had the opportunity to visit one of our other ministry sites and stay with the host family in Turrialba. We had our annual fall fest and as always we like to make things into a competition. This year students made music videos and competed in some other games. Through the month we had three other classes: Applied Hermeneutics, Will of God, and Doctrine of Salvation. November - My ministry group was able to use money that was donated by Three Pines Community Church to...